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Old 05-19-2010, 06:27 PM   #12
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Re: Coy Wheels suprised me today!!

in this day and age of no inventory in stock (read business models like kaizan, 5s, lean management, blah blah blah), no body has stock in their warehouses. matter of fact, having stock is a no-no now.

they wait until they get an order, then they call their distributors, then they call the parent company, then they put an order in to the factory (most in China now), then the chain reverses itself.
Yep, you're 100% correct. That business mentaility looks great when they brief it on a PowerPoint slide, but if ONE link in the chain is interrupted, then the whole thing is worthless.

We went with the JIT "just-in-time" system at work and it's awful. It still relies on people, and if one of the idiots decides to go home early, take a long break, or doesn't care, it totally sucks.
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