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Old 05-19-2010, 07:07 PM   #2
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Location: Creston, BC Canada
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Re: What about converting to electric windows?

Going down this route myself since I converted my doors to one piece windows.

I was looking at using the track from a Mercury villager (fairly simple and easy to wire) but there are a ton of kits out there to do it. There are those that come with their own track and ones that basically wind the crank for you (personally, I'd go with the track version).

The only thing that I noticed with the installs is there will always be some custom fitting with a universal kit (one size does NOT fit all... big surprise). I've even seen places where you get get narrower channels for the glass to slide in and omit the outer rim (thinking that one still myself) and looks like the glass may slide easier in that, but you'd have to polish the outside edge since most are rough.

With the mounting of everything, you have to decide whether or not you want to see all the mounting hardware on your door, or go with a door skin to cover it all up (decided for the latter myself).

As for door poppers, I picked up a set from Protocol with 35 lb soleniods to work with my YJ bearclaws.

Nothing's been installed yet but I'll be there soon.

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