Originally Posted by Southcity
What is the condition of the rubber hose(s) from between gas tank & Carb? (assuming of course that your rig has any rubber gas line) If it does and they are in poor condition, it may have collapsed somewhere and is choking fuel delivery.
Yeah I could check the ones under the truck Southcity, the lines to the carb are all new. I may even have to go with what cdowns suggested and check the tank out.
Originally Posted by FRENCHBLUE72
How full was the gas tank??
Plenty of fuel in there Frenchblue.
Thing is when I give it some from standing starts and smoke the tires it all goes good, the occasions when this has happened have all been when I was already rollin, I put the pedal to the floor the trany kicks down and it builds up speed and the revs climb, then all of a sudden it dies it feels like it runs the carb dry.
An American living in a British body.
1971 Chevy Cheyenne 10 454
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson
No more pain.
03.12.60 -- 12.28.10