Re: removing clearcoat
okay, more progress on the wheels today.
So far i only stripped about 95% of the clearcoat off the face of ONE of my wheels to see how it would look as you can see in the pictures above.
Today me and my friend took another one off and he did the same thing to that one while I finished making sure i got all the coating of my first wheel and then we proceeded to polish them.
We actually had FOUR different polishes to choose from and i thought it was only fitting to try them all and compare.
1 Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish
2 Meguiars Hot Wheels Mag and Aluminum Polish
3 Green Magic Polish
4 Simichrome
I did a little section of each on the same wheel and Simichrome was the BEST! I looked up the MSDS on all these products and the Simichrome has Ammonia in it which as far as i can tell is the reason it shined so much better than the others. All the other polishes still left some form of haziness or light swirl scratches on the wheel which was not acceptable. The second best would be the Meguiars, then mothers, then green magic.
Just thought i'd let ya'll know
Last edited by jesdude7789; 05-23-2010 at 12:34 AM.