Originally Posted by Rack Man
Thanks so much Shannon....Yours is going to turn out awesome.....Your well on your way!
In many ways I am so glad its done....but I do wish I was able to go back and do somethings different....It was a huge learning curve and I f'd up the sequence on quite a few things, which caused a lot of re-work and somethings I'm not really happy with....I did learn that sequence is very very important....
Yeah, there is a huge learning curve when rebuilding one of these trucks, especially if it's your first one. I learned that the hard way.

Like you I figured out late in the game on some things that there is a sequence to putting them back together.
Once again, job well done.
Originally Posted by Bishops Trucks
Very nice job. Now lets get up in them woods and get a load of firewood. Just kiddin', don't shoot me.
I was thinking about a ton or two of gravel.