Shop Truck refurb, code name Chaser
87 LWB Silverado 350 TBI
Ok, going to start a thread so I can simply document more or less. This will not be a ground up restoration or anything, but simply a good looking dependable company vehicle. My main goal is to make something here that my customers are not ashamed to ride it, or my employees will fear driving to get parts or move customer cars for sublet work, hence the name Chaser, it will always be the chase vehicle.
I bought the truck from a fellow whose dad bought it brand new. His daughter was broken hearted that daddy was selling it, she really wanted it. I swore to him he could not have sold it to anyone who would take better care of it, and vowed to slick it up again. When we're done, I'll try to use this thread to show him everything that was done.
We've already done some to it, mostly maintenance items. Our body shop is fairly busy, which is good for my pocket book, but bad for trying to get the truck done quickly. We are doing stuff to it as we get a few moments of free time, and it helps my techs make a few extra bucks when needed. I have an awesome body man who also runs a dirt track stock car, so he is fairly handy as a mechanic as well. He knows chevrolet 350's in and out, which will be a savior for me.
What we started with: