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Old 05-26-2010, 02:26 PM   #4
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Posts: 11
Re: tranny questions

The stick doesn't really "flop" it just moves around like any manual transmission that's in neutral. I'm wondering about the clutch linkage. It was sort of "jerry-rigged" together by the PO. He even told me the linkage might pop out at some point...and it has, I just had to slip it back together. Where it happened is where that threaded rod (which I'm pretty sure is threaded all the way out) meets that arm that comes out of the tranny...hope that's an accurate description, I don't really know the part names.

Probably be a couple days before I can do much to it...maybe try something quick but definitely no tearing into it till the weekend.

If anyone has any other ideas I'm definitely listening.

Last edited by matt24; 05-26-2010 at 02:28 PM.
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