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Old 05-26-2010, 08:19 PM   #4
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Re: Blazer sidelined.

Replacing the speedo reduction unit won't solve your leak issue at the t-case. You need to replace the small seal that goes around the speedo gear shaft to stop the leak. I don't remember the part number, but maybe someone else will chime in. The leak only looks like its coming from the speedo recuction unit because the oil travels past the old seal on the speedo gear shaft and into the reduction unit, which isn't designed to hold oil.

Also, if you have an auto tranny, the seal(s) bewteen the NP205 and tranny can leak. This causes tranny fluid to continuously fill the t-case and cause more leakage out of the speedo gear shaft hole because the t-case is always over-filled to a level over the speedo shaft seal. These are the things that I learned when fixiing my leaking speedo shaft seal. Hope this helps.
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