Originally Posted by CHIZZLER
Today i got the hood in place. It dosnt fit worth a s***. I have a carb off a 250 but it wont bolt up. It is a 228.got all the door handles back in. I guess i need to find a carb. Any help.
If the front clip was taken apart for the repaint aligning the hood really starts with making sure the fenders and grill are all correct.
Take a look at nonhog's panel build thread. He found a carb solution that might also be right for you.
Or go check the swap meet at OldGMCTrucks.com's forum. There is a classic Nicson two carb manifold with carbs listed for sale there. The guy wants $800 for it but it sure would be cool on that 228!
If my approach wasn't to pull the sixes and replace them with eights I'd sure be lusting after that manifold.