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Old 05-28-2010, 06:46 PM   #2
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Location: Bainbridge Island, WA
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Re: I noticed something yesterday

It may actually be a '47. The absence of stiffening in the firewall and the presence of the multi-fuse fuse box are both '47 things. I usually look next at the transmission but you don't appear to have one so that's out.

The torque tube length is unique on a '47 if it still has the tube you might measure and compare the length to your later truck.

I have a '47 AD COE waiting for someday. Its cool to have a unique truck.
'55 1st GMC Suburban - '54 GMC 1-ton trailer puller (in process) - '54 GMC 1-ton Hydra-Matic - '47 Chevy AD COE and lots more rusty old iron. . . is offline   Reply With Quote