Originally Posted by sweet70beast
Does anyone know if the sway bar style is 47 only or did they use them up to 49?
I know I've seen the answer to this but with a little searching I've not been able to recall where.
There is some logic to '47 only but just because it makes sense doesn't mean that's the way they did it.
There is also a school of thought that says each factory used up the old parts instead of making a clean change-over on some date. Don't know if that's accurate either, but it does muddy the waters a little. Having been born after the last of these trucks left the factory does mean I didn't see any of them being built...
In researching the sway bar be aware that GMC used a similar but different bar. The mounts are different and they do not easily interchange. In fact it may be a GMC sway bar discussion that I'm remembering that explained the change-over from early to late. If that is the case it was probably on OldGMCTrucks.com and might be found by searching there. Of course then the information may be different than for a Chevy....