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Old 05-29-2010, 09:40 PM   #2
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Location: Bainbridge Island, WA
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Re: 54 Chevy 1300 VIN decode

Its a Canadian serial number and I suspect most the sites you're finding are based on US codes. I don't have a link to the Canadian info but I believe all Canadian GM are based on the same structure so if you can find anything at all it should help.

I've seen the document for GMC but haven't been able to locate the copy I thought I made. Unfortunately I'm not home and won't be for at least a month so I won't be looking for it anytime soon either.
'55 1st GMC Suburban - '54 GMC 1-ton trailer puller (in process) - '54 GMC 1-ton Hydra-Matic - '47 Chevy AD COE and lots more rusty old iron. . . is offline   Reply With Quote