Originally Posted by Jacfourteen
I like it, it will look killer with the striping done. Are you gonna just stripe it to break the paint line or something more elaborate?
We will see, I am thinkin just plain lime green, or gold leaf....maybe even a cream pin stripe... but I haven't made up my mind yet
Originally Posted by QKENUF4U
nice but what happen to the short fleet project ???????
The short fleet was wayyyyyyyy too much motor for a truck so i had to cut my losses and move on... I moved on to this Burb! no lookin back now.
Originally Posted by VA72C10
Looks great! Pinstripe will really set it off...
I think so... but I am having a tough time picking a color.
any suggestions?
The interior will beall black with black vinyl and gray (black&white) houndstooth in the centers.
Originally Posted by FRENCHBLUE72
That was worth the wait she looks b!tchen..
Right on!

can't wait to see yours done, That thing is a beast!
- Thanks to everyone on this board for the support, knowledge, and inspiration... you guys really keep my build in focus!