Originally posted by Hugger
I have the same problem;
Spent over a grand for the conversion, and it does not cool well.
When the compressor is on, the air gets pretty cool, but they can not seem to get the pressure low enough to keep the compressor on.
COLOR=red]Now they tell me I need a new compressor[/COLOR]...
What does the "Max" setting on the newer A/C systems do?
You mean they charged you a grand for the conversion and they didn't even replace the compressor?
I changed a 85 Silverado over that I owned about three years ago to the new 134a freon - did it myself except for charging the system back up. I replaced the compressor, accumulator, orfice tube and bought the conversion fittings kit. Cost me about $200 total including having it recharged. It took slightly longer to cool it down when first getting in the truck but it seemed to cool just as good after getting it cooled down. This is an easy conversion to do yourself.