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Old 06-04-2010, 03:04 PM   #5
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Re: Throttle stops.. Some one help me :)


There is no need for a Digital 7 when I have all that control in my PCM using HPtuners (nice thing about the LS1). I have played with it a ton. Pulling 15* timing NA does wonders, but I still can't leave flat on the floor. Maybe if I had a T-brake in it. But it just flashes the verter too quick and shocks the tires too hard.

The events I am doing are more of a "street" race like event. Given, it's not a street race, but there is no prep and not a lot of good rubber down since it only happens a few times a year.

The other issue with this is shift extensions. Let's say I pull timing from 2,800 to 6,400. I loose some timing on my shifts as it could drop bellow 6,400. With a 4,900 rpm verter, I have a hard time going less than 6k-6,400rpm and still really planting the tires at a dusty unprepped event.

It's interesting, moving 10 mph, I can hit the pedal as hard/fast as I want and it dead hooks every time NA. It's just the initial movement with no track prep. At this last event, once I was rolling, WOT and the first stage came on, no issues with being planted at all and that was at 5,800rpm. But I had to pedal it for a second or two out of the hole as the initial shock to the tire was too much at 60% throttle.

Perhaps the transbrake itself will help. Allowing me to find the throttle % in which it will leave initially get 5-10 feet out and let it rip.

I just think a throttle stop would be more accurate. Set it to say 25% and have it fully in with in 1 second. I think something like that would work.

Thanks Marv..

I'm assuming something like that can be set on the T-brake button, tip in at any given throttle % and ramp in as fast as you'd like?

Is this as simple as they come for a controller? It looks like you can controll start and end. I think I only need the start ramp.

How does the stop actually work? Do you regulate the pressure on the CO2 to open the stop faster/slower?

Looks like the CO2 cyl would connect to your linkage, is that right? If so, how does that effect pedal feel and reaction when your not using the T-stop?
1/8---6.58 @ 105.92----5.87 @ 118.41
1/4---10.38 @ 126.97----9.24 @ 142.49

Last edited by Super73; 06-04-2010 at 03:13 PM.
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