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Old 06-04-2010, 07:52 PM   #6
high-Tech Red Neck
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Re: The "In Rust we Trust" Build

I got a lot more done on the burb today.

By the end of the day the the doors were stripped off, the seat was out and the carpet, I also have the windshield out it is pretty much ready to cut.

I was very surprised to find out that there is no rust on the floor what so ever, I was shocked, it is all really solid,

In the bottom of the pic above you can see where I am starting to mock up a holding fixture that will align the back of the truck cab to the front of the suburban, Hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow I will have it all welded up and measured and I will be ready to cut the suburban in two.

I am feeling pretty good about it, it is a lot of progress fast, even my girlfriend came down and lent a hand.

I am hoping by Monday to have the 78 in the shop and to be removing the cab.
"He used to be a pretty nice feller, now he's a welder!"
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