Originally Posted by joe231
right on!
glad you found a clip!
I saw your post in Glock's thread. I have been looking at my diagrams, but none of them have a red wire.
Thanks a lot Joe! Did you just go wire to wire on yours or did it come with that grill setup already on it?
As far as finding this one, it was more a matter of convienence. I looked at it last year and he wanted $300 the outer metal isn't bad at all a few dents here and there. but the inner fenders are trash rusted out in the brace area on both sides. The core support also had a few bad spot (didn't know when I bought it). Anyway, I only wanted the grill and support but he wasn't seperating it. So the other day I saw in Craigs for $150 and pulled the trigger thinking I could sell whats left for around $100? It was just a few miles from my job.