Now I've seen a through the door rotisserie from another member ( Misled ) and thought I could build one similar. One criteria I was trying to find the balancing point of a bare cab. So I took some 2x4's and placed the cab on them to determine a rough balancing point on 4 sides. Theres a horizontal crease behind the striker for the door, this point of reference balanced the cab while it was laying on it's back. Hindge side there is again a horizontal crease where the cowl extension bolts to the pillar. At the roof line where all the sections come together, measure back about 2". Under the seat section where it begins to drop to meet the floor where you place your feet. Then I connected all these points to find the intersect.
Misled' s design
New Design features.
Now in his design there's a bulk of metal all around the working area in the front and on the sides. I would like to minimize the obstructions surrounding the cab so that you have the freedom to work without tripping over anything. There has to be horizontal bars on each side of the rotisserie vertical posts to balance, but if you run a pipe through the cab connecting each vertical post, you can eliminate the need for one under the cab. Would this be to much of an impediment for blasting and painting the inside of the cab?
You need 43" Diameter from the center of the pivot point to allow the cab to rotate without touching the ground.
It should be mounted on four large air filled casters so it can move across pavement and grass.
Should be able to lift the cab off the ground to a comfortable working height for installing new rocker panels and replacement floor panels, yet remain low enough to roll the assembly out of an 82" height garage door opening.
I'd like some input/ideas as to what you think would benefit/improve the concept.