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Old 06-06-2010, 07:03 PM   #16
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Re: How Do I adjust the...

Originally Posted by CenValyCali View Post
That's exactly what I'm talking about. I'm guessing one is for air and the other is for fuel? Passenger would be fuel and driver side would be air?
No, both screws do the same thing. They adjust the air/fuel mixture at idle. There's one for each primary carb barrel. Turning the screws in (clockwise) leans out the mixture and turning them out (counterclockwise) richens the mixture. As 68 TT said, you'll want to hook up a vacuum gauge to get these adjusted correctly.

I was told not to mess with that screw on the drivers side but if I wanted to mess with the idle I could turn the screw on the top of the carb, dead center in front of the buttlerflies.
I think you've got that backwards.

You mentioned a Check Engine light in one of your earlier posts so I assume you're dealing with an electronic feedback carb. Those do have a couple of adjustment screws accessible from the top for adjusting the lean and rich limit stops of the mixture solenoid. Those are the ones I wouldn't recommend messing with unless you have a specific reason and know exactly what you're doing. I think they're normally capped off from the factory anyway.

The screw over on the driver side of the carb is the one you want to turn if you need to raise or lower the idle speed.

Last edited by ray_mcavoy; 06-06-2010 at 07:05 PM.
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