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Old 06-06-2010, 08:16 PM   #1
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Autometer Problems

Alright so the other day i get in my truck and start it and notice my tach wasnt working, so the next day i trying to figure out whats wrong. It has ignition power, ground, lights and coil power. I know it has igniton becuase the test light lights and it "adjusts" itself when it gets power. ive traced the coil wire and its got power as far as i can trace it. it's an hei, and ive tried in on a non hei on the camaro as well. so whats wrong? any help would be awesome. Thanks, Cole
1970 Chevrolet custom camper 20
2000 F@$d F250 Powerjoke

"And i still like bologna on white bread now and then" -Alan Jackson
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