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Old 06-07-2010, 01:11 AM   #20
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Re: Factory A/C operational question

I've been looking into this more since the heat has been on lately, and am trying to get together some change to start getting components to do it. One thing I may have some trouble with, I can't find my connector plug that goes to the compressor clutch. I took it off 7 years ago, can't remember if it was cut or where it went. Anybody have some pictures or ideas as to where/what it goes to? There's a few stray wires under there, so I just need some direction...

This task is seeming more daunting, at least financially. Still need to get the compressor, lines, drier, o-rings, take it to a shop to be flushed/filled/etc. Aye yi yi. By the time I get all the separate components new, it'll be at least $500, not including shop fees for charging it. And even then I might need something else...maybe I should just wait and get a Vintage Air system and have everything brand new and laid out. Not feeling confident about this.

Last edited by D-Day; 06-07-2010 at 01:35 AM.
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