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Old 06-07-2010, 11:27 PM   #21
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Re: Holley VS. Edelbrock

An out of the box Holley, basically all there is to "tune" is your idle mixture, idle speed, and float level. Your float has a brass plug that you remove and put a clear site plug in it's place. With the car running, you check to see where the fuel level is in the clear site plug, you want it just at the very bottom of the plug. To adjust it, you need to turn the vehicle off and use a wrench, and a thick flat blade screw driver and adjust the float up or down, depending on whether the fuel was high or not even registering in the site plug. Tighten the nut back up, start vehicle and check until you barely see fuel in the bottom of the plug.

The mixture screws are set with a vaccum gauge. You hook it into your vacuum port on your carb with the vehicle running and you adjust each side in equal amounts until you show the highest vaccum reading on your gauge. On a Holley, the 2 screws need to be turned in and out equal amounts, so the best way to start adjusting is to close them up all the way and go from there in equal turns on each side.

Your idle speed is self explanatory. Turn it until you idle at the proper RPM with it in park and in gear.

The choke, fast idle, secondary spring etc are all things that shouldn't have to be adjusted. The 3 I mentioned need adjusting from time to time from vibrations, fuel, etc.
'69 Dodge Charger R/T 440, 727, 3.55 Sure Grip
'68 Plymouth Road Runner 383, 727, 3.23 Sure Grip
'89 Dodge Diplomat ex cop car 408, 727, 3.55 Sure Grip
'77 Dodge Monaco ex cop car 440, 727, 2.71
'79 Dodge 'Lil Red Express pickup 360, 727, 3.55 Sure Grip
'12 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392, M6, 3.92
'85 Chevrolet C-10 SWB 2wd 305, TH350, 2.73

Last edited by 85Bowtie; 06-07-2010 at 11:28 PM.
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