Re: ?? fuse box wire harness ??
Originally Posted by Goldfinger
hmm... i'm surprised it didn't catch fire mine has caught fire 8 times I've had the parking brake melt the brakes fuse together i had a leak in my Holley and it caught. my starter wires are what does it now. i'm lucky this thing is mostly steel and cast or i'd have a melted Honda. why a they in conduit? mine are in a plastic corrugated sleeve that has melted.
iam surprised it didt catch on fire when i was drive it too. now i need a new
"Myths and legends die hard in America. We love them for the extra dimension they provide, the illusion of near-infinite possibility to erase the narrow confines of most men's reality. Weird heroes and mould-breaking champions exist as living proof to those who need it that the tyranny of 'the rat race' is not yet final."
Hunter S THompson