This is the first annual Southeastern Truck Nationals that are going to be held at the City Park in White House, TN on July 17th. We all understand that the word "show" scares some people so we want this to be more of a truck gathering. There is a Top 25 and we are building custom metal trophies for the event.
This is open to ONLY Trucks, SUV's, and Vans. Sorry, no cars allowed

ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE FIRE AND POLICE EXPLORER PROGRAMS HERE IN THE AREA. These are programs designed to help teenagers get into these professions to make our community safer.
White House, TN is just outside of Nashville and we hope people will come from all over and make a weekend out of it. This is a beautiful area of the state and there are a lot of things to do in Nashville.
The host hotel is the Best Western, you can find out more about it on our website.
You can register on the website here:
Any way we can make your experience better please let us know.