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Old 06-14-2010, 02:05 PM   #1
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Front Brake hose removal ???

Okay, I have done this several times before on other trucks, but with this '76 Blazer I am having some issues getting the front brake hoses off. I cannot get my hands on the actual hardline fitting that screws into the factory brake hose. With the fuel line & trans cooler lines on the passenger side and the P/S hoses on the driver's side, I can't get my hands in there well enough to get a 3/8" line wrench on there and pull or push. Is there another way to access this joining of the lines? Could I pull that big cheesy nut off of the backside of the frame, that appears to be holding the rubber line in the frame, and pull the rubber line and the hard line through the frame and get them loose that way? Just curious to know if this is feasible, before I try it and mess something up.

Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

1968 Chevy SWB Fleet... Walt

1963-1/2 Ford Falcon Futura...Martha
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