So its been a while but its hard to work in the rain. So a quick pic recap:

I am trying to fit this into this:

And the best way I have found to do this from the pirate forums is to use second gen Blazer and it looks something like this:

These are 1987 chevy halfton motor mounts mounted in the front hole of the factory first gen mounts. I had to oblong them just a bit to match the on-center
bolt spacing from the second gen chevy. The rear bolts of the mounts had to be drilled into the frame. I test fit the motor and it fits! So I will drill out the rest of the holes that I can reach with a drill and bolt it all together for hopefully the last time.
I am using all of the factory nv4500 bell housing and hydraulic clutch. The clutch fork is held on by some very small nuts on a stud and the seems to be some adjustment with these. If I crank them down, it limits the rearward travel of the fork and throw out bearing. Is there an appropriate way to adjust/set this? Sorry I don't have any pics of this.