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Old 05-25-2003, 08:11 PM   #1
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2 trucks at show and shine

I went to the Canadian Tire show and shine in Yorkton today. There were 2 of our year trucks there. Nothing special, just stock restos but still really nice. There was also a 4x4 that sits at a hotel all the time. I think after seeing some of the junk people take there I won't be afraid to enter my truck one day. There was a 67 Impala SS convertable there with totally rusted quarter and huge dents in the side with some remains of the bondo that fell out. There were some cool cars there, but I didn't have time to take pictures of all them.

I turned a lot of heads when I left though. I was parked quite a ways away originally and drove by where all the people were when I left. I had the truck idling at about 600 RPM and it really runs rough with the cam. My friends said about 75 people in a crowd of 120 were all gazing at the 69 as we went by. Pretty sweet.
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Last edited by Nova_Cobra64; 05-25-2003 at 09:52 PM.
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