Last January at work we were cleaning house when I came across a set of old black DEE ZEE running boards for a '93-'97 full size van. I asked my boss what they were going to do with them? He said that somebody ordered them by mistake about 10 years ago and at that time they couldn't return them so they were basically put away and forgotten about. I was able to pick them up for $75.00. I brought them home and did a bit of measuring. I had to cut off about 10" from the back end of them to get them the proper length for my 'burb. Being the procrastinator I am they then sat in my shed until this last weekend when I finally got.....TOOK the time to install them. Let me know what y'all think.
Personally I like them. Just another step towards ridding my 'burb of all things bright,shiny and chromed.
What I took off and threw away.....
And the new ones installed. Gotta touch up the heads of the bolts as I used some of the old hardware to mount them.