Thread: My 62 C10
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Old 06-22-2010, 09:11 AM   #8
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Re: My 62 C10

Originally Posted by markeb01 View Post
Welcome to the site. Just note going in the 62 front cab mounts don't line up with later frame. Here's an earlier thread on the subject, with additional links providing a wealth of information.
Thanks, I already noticed the bolt location was different, just have not decided whether to just move the holes in the cab or modify the frame. Personally, i like the easier part of just moving the holes if that works fine.

Here are a couple of pics from the 62 before disassembly. It also had a cattle pannels on the bed, but i had removed them before i took the pics--you can see them against the retaining wall

Overhead View

pic of bed after rotten wood was removed

as you can see, a farm truck gets pretty beat up

However, the cab was in really good shape--minor rust areas--i patched both cab corners, drivers side rocker, working on cowl vents, and 1 spot above the winshield. I will post some pics of its progress this weekend, since it is at another location--i have to finish blasting and patching, and hope to have some primer on it this weekend or the first of next week. I'll get some pics of the 63 and the bed when i get home this afternoon.
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