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Old 06-22-2010, 06:38 PM   #1
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Can anybody with a manual transmission check?

Does the swivel on the clutch adjustment rod go in the lowest hole of the bell crank ("Z bar") or does it go on the second hole up, which has a raised boss and slightly smaller diameter opening.?
I am working on the clutch adjustment on my 83 C20 with SM 465 manual 4 spd. transmission. The clutch keeps going out of adjustment. There are two holes on the bottom of the bell crank (Z bar). My existing setup has the threaded "lower pushrod" swivel installed on the lowest (furthest down) hole. This results in some "slop" in the swivel which may account for the frequent loss of adjustment. The other hole (higher up) looks like a better match for the stud on the swivel, but it would put the adjustment rod at a sharper angle to the clutch fork.
Any ideas?
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