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Old 05-26-2003, 12:00 AM   #4
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Location: Grapevine, Tx.
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Try this:
This tip is supplied courtesy of boardmember Huck

Most people will say hinges/springs are worn out---duahhh---how come they weren't worn out before you replaced the motor?? In reality, even well worn hinges can be adjusted if you know the secret~~~and the secret is~~~~
1- open hood and back off the three bolts that hold the hinge to the fender on each side.
2- have friend put a little additional upward pressure on the hood while you tighten the bolts.
By putting the additional upward pressure on the hood, you reposition the hinges and put a slight bit of spring push on the hinge springs. When you bring the hood down, it should bottom out on the rear of the hood. Keep in mind that you may need to reposition the hood on it's hinge bolt position for proper left/right alignment. It is also important to have the hood alignment rubbers mounted in the fenders for the edges.

Have fun
John Hutchison

68 1/2 t swb
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69 Jaguar
71 1/2 t swb
88 Supra CompTs6m
93 Escort GT
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