Re: looky what my wife just found
Originally Posted by jonzcustomshop
ok joe... now there is a green one!
this is my favorite yet!!
my favorite color green and scallops...
this should be a walmart only exclusive available only in the 10 pack.
My kids were going bonkers in the store saying they found a Hot Wheels "66" in a multi pack.
'Bout time our trucks get some respect.. HA!
"Rust does NOT look cool." - Me
"Patina is earned, not made." - Old Hot Rodder.
Cylinder Index
The Cylinder Index (or C.I.) is a measurement device in which the total number of internal combustion engine cylinders (working or non-working) owned by an individual (single-cylinder chainsaws, lawnmowers, 2-cycle, 4-cycle, multi-clinder diesels, trucks and farm tractors) are tallied. The Garage Logician who attains a C.I. in excess of his age is revered. - Joe Soucheray, Mayor of Garage Logic.