catalytic converter...location. pics..should i have 1?
hey guys, i know i keep asking these dumb questions, but guess dumb guy needs answers too.
so my question is should there be a cat on my 1985 gmc?
if yes, can someone post a pic of where it should be?
looks like my truck might be missing this...
i only see 2 pipes coming down from mani and then it goes into one pipe that runs to the back and out the side.
i think the pipe is heating up my bed and melting the paint...??
in the morning i start truck before leaving work....and when i get to the truck, theres always smoke.
i looked under that truck this morning to see where smoke was coming from...
one area was where the pipe bends up and then back down in the rear, by bed.....
for some reason i saw a little smoke on the passenger side??? no piping there, wondering why
aslo, the cab had a bit of smoke in it....
so the truck that i bought that i THOUGHT only needed a windshield, vent window and maybe tires....
now turns out needing
brakes all round. cost me 750 with oil change
winshield...cost 190 installed
vent window, found for 40 bucks, had body guy install, with cab corner repair.
tires, still needed. 5-600....<<<not spent yet since i keep finding other things that need repair
need carb... looking into ebrock carb and mani....450
exhaust... gonna try for a flowmaster set up. got 2 prices...450 and 300
300 sounded good... just hope its for what i want...
but the guy said if i dont have cat it would be 500 with cat....
id like to get some headers since i gotta do the exhaust....
would it be wiser to get headers now, or can it be added later..?
thanks again for any help here folks.