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Old 06-24-2010, 02:21 AM   #3
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Location: Aurora,Il ..born,raised and still live in the same house
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Re: Grandpa's BEST advice!

Those free or almost free situations we can't pass up. ha ha. We almost have "nothing to lose"

I got my '71 longhorn by trading in a 5.0 mustang motor i had sitting around. The guy didn't know why the longhorn bed was 6 inches longer and just wanted the "junk" off his lot.
If i was looking for a truck to restore, this wouldn't be it.

Also now that i'm older i know how to weld,rebuild the motor,etc.
I still wouldn't take a total basket case vehicle, i do know my mechanical ability/limits.
I also won't fall for the "limited time offer" Or "today only price" that some guys try to pull LOL
I love stock!
Not really into the whole bagged, squished,chopped, drooped,cut, bent,lifted,twisted,split,decked,massaged,tubbed,jacked trend. (o.k. slightly lowered is fine)
For the love of god, just drive it before you forget what the truck is supposed to look like !....LOL

Last edited by beebster; 06-24-2010 at 02:22 AM.
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