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Old 06-24-2010, 03:46 AM   #1
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Location: Aurora,Il ..born,raised and still live in the same house
Posts: 286
front clip removal

on the front clip removal, exactly how many bolts are there and where are they located?

when i say front clip, i mean the two fenders and bumper all removed as one unit.
i've noticed some guys remove the "front clip" to make installing the motor or motor/tranny combo easier.
two guys removing it, with one hand each on the wheel well and one on/under the bumper.
I love stock!
Not really into the whole bagged, squished,chopped, drooped,cut, bent,lifted,twisted,split,decked,massaged,tubbed,jacked trend. (o.k. slightly lowered is fine)
For the love of god, just drive it before you forget what the truck is supposed to look like !....LOL
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