I’m just an armature in Photoshop manipulation and there are so many different things that can be done from improving clarity to artistic manipulation so you need to define what you want the final picture to try to relay to the ones you’re giving it to.
I usually start by cropping out things like the small car in the back and the excess of parking lot/asphalt in my opinion. Just trying to bring the main subject mater to the front and minimize any thing that might distract some one from looking at what I want them to look at. For this picture it’s the cars and the church.
Then normally I adjust the image levels, that in my opinion help in equalizing the whole picture. Then some times use the filters (sharpen or sharpen edges) to give a little sharper definition to the items.
Now I think you would have a good picture that could be enjoyed and shared
The clouded area in the picture would be a nice area to inject something to make the picture special not trying to over power the cars or the church just kind of accenting. In one of the pictures I incorporated a cutout picture of Jesus Christ and the other one a Ford logo that was feathered and its Opacity/fill is reduced to blend into the clouds.
You have a nice picture to start with and this is just a couple of thing I might do to improve it a little or make it special
I turned the pictures sidewise to fit into this forum max size requirements and keep them as large as possible to the originals
Maybe this might give you some of your own ideas