Thread: Engine building
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Old 06-24-2010, 05:17 PM   #12
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Re: Engine building

Originally Posted by djracer View Post
If I were you i would look for a vortec 350 that is worn out or has bearing damage. Those heads crack easy but those engines make good power and have roller cam shafts and good rods. You might check with your local gm dealers you can probably pick up a buildable core for 2 or 3 hundred dollars.
Sounds like it could be something to look into.. If i were to do this, do you mean ask a dealership? and how much would it cost to make something like that decently fast? Im not expecting to be done with anything quickly so i dont mind waiting longer to make more money and stuff.. BTW i know this is a dumb question but what era is the vortec engine? did those start on the 88-98s?

EDIT: also any links of stuff to look at with these.. idk the difference between older and vortec, except vortecs were fuel injected and not carbureted right? Is fuel injection better or what?

Originally Posted by 1986c10 View Post
hey man, i was in the exact same boat as you. My family doesnt know anything about engines (they know how to change the oil haha). I wanted to take auto tech badly but my schedule wouldnt allow it. I did however get to take machine tool which allowed me to race the schools 79 camaro and i learned a tad about engines during that. Almost everything i have learned though has been from the internet. Im 18 and just built my own motor for my truck and it runs great. All i can say is do all the research you can online and figure out what your budget will permit. Building an engine can also get very pricey fast so expect to pay a little more than what the parts should add up to be. And the feeling of knowing you can build a motor is fantastic. Good luck with whatever you do!
Yeah, it does kind of suck. I'm just working right now and trying to figure out a plan for a truck at the moment. Thanks for the support

Last edited by Mayhem.Evol; 06-24-2010 at 05:40 PM.
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