I was such a Frigin Dummy. I sold a nearly perfect 72 Chevy grill for 30 Bucks ! It had a little chip on the underside of the grill where you stick your fingers to open the hood. I painted it the original silever/grey. Drove up to his place he said that he had a fule cell that would fit between my frame rails. Yha right if I had a long box and moved the cross member back 10 inches. I told him I had a shorty. What ever.
Super pissed the guy really took advantage of me. I guess being a 18 year old kid when I said "40 dollars" he said "I will give you 30" I did not know how to say "your are freeking nuts" What a freaking prick.
I guess it's good that lesson happned when I was young. I know now to tell the next person who wants to buy somthing from me and offer me even less than I was asking from the start (being already a steel) To tell them to get serious . I hope I dont ever see that B****rd again ! What a prick.
Just venting.