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Old 05-27-2003, 03:38 AM   #8
"Trucks with Class"
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Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: OLYMPIA, WA, USA
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Make on offer...

Krue, guess why people on here don't like that "make an offer" crap? Set your price and let them take it or leave it. That haggling & bidding on here has created more trouble on this board then it is worth.
We have all sold some things too cheap. Just as bad is shipping. You will use the internet calculators, do an estimate, and something will be different or special and it will cost you a bunch more to ship it...after you have agreed on the price. You just "suck it up" and move on. Same with selling parts. Try and find out what it is worth, set your price and try to get it. If you sell it too low, it is not the buyers fault...unless they use a gun.
Phone: 360-956-7170
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