Thread: Bag ideas
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Old 06-29-2010, 10:15 AM   #19
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Re: Bag ideas

Originally Posted by 54Caddy View Post
Makes total sense man, ive heard about them in both good and bad. Suicidedoors is one ive been looking at a lot also, I was also going to drive up to fresno and see if avs sold any more then the ones they show and check the local shop here to see what they offer. Do the chassis tech valves stick or what kind of problems encounter? And also ive heard of bags that roll over when they are low and give you a bad ride is this true? And on an air tank how do i know how many holes i need see some all the way up to 9.
I know this is going to cause some discussion,... but you need to control each bag individually.
So your tank will need:
4 ports for the 4 fill valves.
1 or 2 inlet ports for you compressor(s).
Possibly a pressure switch port.
It all depends on how you plumb it.

Here's a good 8 valve diagram from Suicde Doors' website.
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Convert to disc brakes.

Last edited by lolife99; 06-29-2010 at 10:16 AM.
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