Re: catalytic converter...location. pics..should i have 1?
well i posted my horrible experience in engine forum....
wondering if you folks might have any input....
took truck to shop to have exhaust done.
after it was done truck would not start.
so after messing around a bit, guy says its the ignition module.....
which i replaced less than 1 week ago.
prior to going to shop, the truck was starting fine.
i had an issue with the truck bogging, but i think its the carb.
im no mechanic so i dont know....this guys telling me the distributor was real loose and probly when i give it gas the distributor moves, and that causes bogging....i dont think so...
so anyway, guy tells me i need ingition module...i say get it and get truck running. then he tells me theres the one i picked up for under 30 bucks and another one thats 80 bucks
so i say get a distributor. how much...he said 130 or so for an accel distributor.
i said fine, get it.....130 for new parts beats 80 for one part in old dizz
so they get it to shop, and attempt to install., then i hear, this dont work
something about there being a 3 prong piece that powers dizz and that the accel one had a 2 prong thing.
now i dont know much, but the 2 prong thing that was in the accel, was plugged in already.
guy was saying something about having to splice, and sodder, and use parts of wires from old diz....
does this make any sense?????
i thought the average joe with a little mechanic knowledge could go to autozone and buy a performance or upgraded distributor and install..
plug and play kinda thing.
why would you need to splice wires or sodder or use old parts on fresh new distributor.
i saw the thing he was talking about that had 3 prongs, was a big clip that had a couple wires on one side....if im right, it clipped into the module end.
any help or advice here.
need this truck fixed and dont want some garbage done to get truck running to only have more problems later.
thanks for any help here folks.
seems like every couple days im looking for new help or advice. sorry guys
Last edited by jasonroman; 06-29-2010 at 03:11 PM.
Reason: edit.