Re: "Pabst Blue Ribbon" SOLD..Now I need another.. Oregon dudes, Whos in?
Cort- Thanks for looking out.. That is why I love the Chevy truck world. We are always looking out for one another. Check out the one above. Its got a 327, four speed and the perfect patina. A little rust in the fenders(which is cool) for what I am doing. I talked to Jack and Jake(drop shop) and got some parts getting donated. I am doing this on the cheap. Putting this together for nothing or as little as possible. Its not gonna be bagged or sick like my 66 shortstep, but it will still be sick.
I am gonna have a bbq or something on a Sunday coming up and get a few guys over here to do a 6 lug swap over. Just need to find some steel wheels and some decent tires. Want to get about 2-3 drop up front and about 7 out back. Lay it low, make it driver so I can at least still hang with my boys. I feel so out of place right now.. I dont have ride to cruise other then my Harley.