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Old 06-30-2010, 03:37 AM   #4
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Re: 98 GMC SAS HPD60 steering issue

Well it is 7 degree's (laid back at the top)....that's positive no? I could be wrong though. I thought that is what you wanted for steering correcting etc. But feel free to correct me if I am (probably)

I just measured again tonight with the toe is dead on 0 degrees. Not what I want. I would assume I would want around a 1/4" of toe in? correct? Front end parts are all new including king pin kits top and bottom, and always get synthetic grease.

I'm thinking that I will for starters adjust that toe inward a few degrees, then try that. If that don't work I guess I'll have to think about a pan hard bar. I have my suspicions that there might be some slop in the box. Have to get the wife to help me out tomorrow night cranking on the wheel while I inspect everything.

thanks for the suggestions....much appreciated.
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