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Old 06-30-2010, 10:15 AM   #16
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Re: "Pabst Blue Ribbon" SOLD..Now I need another.. Oregon dudes, Whos in?

Originally Posted by bird7263 View Post
I sold the Blue Ribbon a few weeks back.. Dont know why, I just got a wild hair up my ass and sold it.. I really needed the money for family purposes. But still I am really bummed I dont have my ride anymore. Luckly it went to a cool dude in Tacoma and I know he will take good care of it.

So now I am on a mission. I am really looking for a 4-5-6 long box I can start on. I might have one in mind. But I am reaching out to my Oregon Boys for some help in parts or maybe a shell of a truck. I am gonna build a rusty rat. I am gonna hold off bags for now and just try to find one I can get low and make a driver.. I am really trying to do this on the cheap, I mean real cheap..

To break my heart even more.. Here is a pic of my old baby last weekend at Billetproof. How heart wrenching but looking good.
I'll Keep a eye out for a truck for you......I am close to Tigard...I see trucks all the time....I found mine in Tigard buried in black berry bushes off Hwy 99
Measure with a yard stick
Mark with Chalk
Cut with a torch

Built it yourself, don't count on others to to do it for you or with you. It will never get done
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