Thread: rack and pinion
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:36 PM   #25
ShortBus KingPin
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Re: rack and pinion

Originally Posted by 68GMCCustom View Post
I was wondering....would it be possible to use the original mounts on the rack by welding some like 1-1.25" heavy wall DOM tubing to the OEM crossmember...with grade8 bolts straight thru the rack mount into the tubes with a lockwasher and a nut on the inside of the crossmember. Would be as strong as the original rack mount?

and I've heard of using a t-bird rack over the Mustangs....whats the size difference?
You will have to channel the stock crossmember to use the original mounts. It will stick out to far and too low to fit to the spindle mounts. The way I did it came from the way that the Prostock cars mount theirs to the crossmembers. I took a 1.5 tube and smacked it with a hammer in my mounts and it didnt budge.

T-birds are the same rack up to 1988. They were then changed to the sn-95 chassis. The rack is wider on the 89 and up T-birds. Factory didnt offer a manual rack, so aftermarket is where you would have to get one. $$$$$
67 shortstep prosteet. 505 BBC, FULL BILLET TH350, Owner built EVERYTHING.... (My RIDE)

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