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Old 07-02-2010, 10:47 AM   #9
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Re: 1978 Silverado Epic Technology Frame Off Restoration

RandyP, do you have any more information, perhaps online articles I can look at, about the process of creating the LED lighting behind paint?

Does this process have a name which I can Google?
I tried searching for ghost lighting but it's all motorcycle related...
(By the way, I love this look. I with I had done it to my '00 ZX9R)

I am very intrigued with this idea. I would love to stay legal but completely hide the front turn signals. That would be awesome. The green truck is my preferred look. I just love how sleek, simple and clean it is.

Keep in mind, that when I'm done, the sheet metal will go straight down and be completely flush with the metal like under the headlights where the signals used to be.
Where you see the two holes on the green truck and the "bump-out" roll plan, mine will be completely smooth and flat.

I need to find a way to get a drawing of this to better illustrate my point.

Regardless, that side (fender) marker light has got to go! :-)
I cannot stand that light being there. Smooth sheet metal looks much better.

UPDATE: Thanks a million to mcmlxix who pointed me to what are called Phantom Lenses by Anvil Auto.

Last edited by ERBSIX; 07-31-2010 at 10:33 PM.
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