You called it a muncie 3-spd and usually a muncie is a manual gear box so that's why i said clutch pedal. And T350 i wasn't shure what you ment usually automatic's are refered to as TH350 or TH400.
Anyway's the older 700r4's had alot of problems internally and would cycle between 3rd gear and overdrive when your cruising at 50 MPH and had slugish shifting. But if it got rebuilt and who ever did it made the proper up grades internally then i would say use it but if your not shure and it's an older unit i would stay away from it.
A TCC is a Torque Converter Clutch and there are kit's out there to buy pass the TCC and make it lock up the converter so you can utilize the overdrive function and with out a computer in your truck to do it you need this kit so the trany will operate correctly.