Still waiting on the crate engine to be delivered. My body man is insisting I let him and his helper do the swap. He swears he can do it in an easy weekend. I guess we'll see.
Went ahead and got my 'burb core support painted, in anticipation of doing the engine swap in the next few weeks sometime. Will be a natural time to swap the support then.
Painted up one of my (numerous) instrument cluster cases, went with a chrome spray paint to see if it makes it that much brighter or not. I'm really trying to have everything lined up and ready and only tear in to the dash one more time (famous last words I know). Ordering a 100mph speedo and going to ditch the factory clock I ordered. Still trying like mad to find a good ETR factory radio, about to give up and order an aftermarket that is made for these trucks.
Put the grille guard on this weekend as well, just to see how it looks. Not sure if I prefer it over the push guards or not. Seems at least with the push guards you can actually use them to push a car with, and this grille guard is more just for pretty. But it would look sweet powder coated white to match the two tone I'm gonna do, and put some driving lights on it. Drove the truck for the first time last night in the dark, all I can say is "damn it was dark".
The wife is starting to get very very very whiney about the $$$ I am spending on this. That's another reason I came to the shop so much this weekend and basically did nothing but play. I was going to go pick up a new car hauler trailer this weekend, but she put a stop to that as well. Guess I'll count my blessings that I got the engine ordered and I'll sneak in one last order from LMC and CPA, she won't see that credit card bill for a month.
Sorry for the poor photos of the truck, it was raining outside and I barely had the nose of the truck under my canopy.

You know how long it's been since I shot single stage? Let alone single stage enamel? I was really surprised I did not have it running off on the floor. Used my new cheap Starting Line gun, the 1.4 tip did better than I thought.

Might try one in a bright white with clear, see if it appears more reflective or not.