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Old 07-05-2010, 06:24 PM   #3
Tom Vogel
2WD Jimmy
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Re: 4150 throttle linkage

Originally Posted by prostreetC-10 View Post
You can get a 4150 in both vacuum and double pumper, also most are DP's. If you disconnect the linkage, can you get them to open up by using your hand? Think we need a little more info. You can get them to open up just fine with the rod style or cable. I am using both. Must be a geometry issue. Pics of what you are currently trying would help so we can see where you have it hooked to the carb.
Of course;
Its a mechanical secondary 925 blow through application from the Carb Shop. Yes, I can open it by hand. Im hoping to use the stock cable, and pedal as I hope you can see in the pics. Im using a Jegs adjustable bracket, but Im thinking maybe the stock bracket would be a better choice?
Anyway, the way it is now, it ony goes far enough to open the primaries. My Cobra buddy says, "Hey, thats a great govenor!"
Sorry, the last pic is fuzzy...
TIA, Tom
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