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Old 07-06-2010, 12:59 AM   #5
Member #1049
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Re: A couple of Q's about my '71 GMC

the throttle linkage swap is not real difficult, cutting off the original nut plate, the drilling of a couple of holes, and filing one square for the cable, and bolting it to the firewall

Since your cab has a square hole below the steering column that identifies it as a 1968 cab, hence the reason for the odd emergency brake issues.. in 68 the cable came in under the steering column to a large "pull handle" intead of a foot pedal..

Here is a link to a picture of a 71/72 firewall which will hopefully help you out.

All you will need to do for the emergency brake is to drill the hole in the proper spot for the cable to come through file it square, then aquire the rest of the cable parts, (a clamp and bolt which holds the cable to the pedal assembly, and a roll pin to attach the cable end), yes the pedal assembly should be bolted to the top side of the dash bottom..

Hopefully that was not too confusing??

Last edited by Livrat; 07-06-2010 at 12:59 AM.
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